Course Support Grants
Faculty who need to offset expenses related to their community-based learning (CBL) course may submit a Course Support Grant application. This program assists with transportation coordination and costs; funds honoraria for guest speakers; and reimburses faculty for materials and other purchases related to the course's community-engaged components. Anyone teaching a class at the University of Richmond, including adjunct faculty, is welcome to submit a grant request.
The Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) evaluates Course Support Grant requests with the following goals in mind:
- Encouraging community-based learning across a variety of disciplines
- Extending CBL opportunities to as many students as possible
- Eliminating financial barriers for students in CBL classes
While applicants may request up to $2000 in funding, the CCE's ability to satisfy grant requests in full depends on the volume of applications received, administrative capacity, and funds available. The CCE seeks to co-sponsor CBL projects with other campus organizations and academic departments when possible.
Note for Spring 2025: We request that applicants who are seeking transportation coordination and/or transportation funds submit their requests as early as possible in the semester, and at least three weeks before the date of travel. While transportation is never guaranteed, early submission and the additional time it allows increases our ability to secure vehicles and drivers. Faculty who are not seeking transportation should submit grant applications at least two weeks before the first date for which the requested funds are needed.
If you have any questions about CBL Course Support Grants or the application process, please contact Sarah Adams at sadams3@richmond.edu