Public Policy & Government
Spiders engage with a variety of organizations focused on promoting informed decision-making, advocating for positive change, and fostering a stronger civic infrastructure. Learn more about our community relationships, then click the link to explore current opportunities with each organization.
Public Policy & Government organizations are also in need of one-time volunteers, and these opportunities are posted as they become available.
Community Relationships & Opportunities
Chesterfield County Government
Chesterfield County Government offers a wealth of opportunities, including internships and job shadowing, in any of their government offices.
Visit the Chesterfield County Government website to explore departments you can connect with.
Please email worsleyj@chesterfield.gov if you are interested in volunteering with Chesterfield County Government.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
The Legal Aid Justice Center
The Legal Aid Justice Center provides legal representation and advocacy for individuals facing poverty and injustice, aiming to create systemic change through legal means.
Please email elsie@justice4all.org if you are interested in volunteering at the Legal Aid Justice Center.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
New Virginia Majority
New Virginia Majority is a civic engagement organization that builds power in working-class communities of color across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Please email cedwards@newvirginiamajority.org if you are interested in volunteering at New Virginia Majority.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
PlanRVA is a regional planning organization that collaborates with local governments to address issues related to transportation, land use, and community development in the Richmond area.
Please email martha@planrva.org if you are interested in volunteering at PlanRVA.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Virginia21 engages young people in the political process by advocating for policies that affect their generation and providing opportunities for civic participation.
Please email kate@virginia21.org if you are interested in volunteering at Virginia21.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy advocates for social justice, equity, and compassion in public policies, bringing together diverse faith communities to promote positive change.
Please email terri@virginiainterfaithcenter.org if you are interested in volunteering at the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Voices for Virginia’s Children
Voices for Virginia’s Children advocates for policies and initiatives that improve the well-being of children and families in Virginia, promoting child-focused solutions through research and advocacy.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment.
Kyle Giardine, ’26, kyle.giardine@richmond.edu
Sasha Hollister, shollist@richmond.edu
Campus Connections
URGOV is a platform to educate and empower full participants in Richmond City Government. URGOV is student-led and student-organized team who are dedicated to connecting the Richmond Community with Richmond’s City Leadership.
Model United Nations
The purpose of Model UN is to recreate the systems of discussion, compromise, and solution-making that takes place in the UN. They work to instill in our members/delegates the skills of arguing their points of view and changing minds, whether it be through public speeches or one-on-one discussions. While their foundation is based in the UN, the topics they cover go far beyond the halls of the General Assembly.
College Libertarians
College Libertarians is an active political organization at the University of Richmond. They participate in most political activities on campus and have a strong emphasis on personal growth and developing our members understanding of Libertarian politics.
College Republicans
College Republicans exists to serve the university community, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation by advocating for traditional Republican values and policies. On campus, they often takes the form of tabling, bringing in speakers, holding regular meetings about recent events and philanthropy. Off campus, this often involves networking with students from other schools and chapters of the College Republican Federation of Virginia and in the College Republican National Committee as well as aiding local, state and national candidates to win elections.
College Democrats
The University of Richmond College Democrats was officially re-chartered by the Virginia Young Democrats in March of 2017. Since then, their new executive board has worked tirelessly to promote progressive ideals and Democratic candidates on the University of Richmond. They host bipartisan discussions on topical issues and put on events to promote civic engagement on campus.
Relevant Courses
PLSC 333 Civil Rights/Liberties
Analysis of contemporary legal status and interpretation of constitutional rights and liberties. Emphasis on landmark Supreme Court decisions involving various provisions of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment.
PLSC 329: Campaigns and Elections
Analysis of institutions and process of American electoral system and behavior of American electorate.
LDST 205: Justice and Civil Society
Exploration of contemporary society and understandings of justice. Readings on civil society, theories of justice, and analysis of poverty and related socio-economic problems. Includes a service learning component with critical reflection on community service to populations in need.
PLSC 328 American Political Parties
Examines American political parties as organizations and their role in elections, government, and public policy. Also explores how parties have changed over time and the causes and effects of growing party polarization.