Civic Fellowship Program
The Civic Fellowship Program is a part of the broader University of Richmond Summer Fellowships Program.
The Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) established the Burhans Civic Fellowship Program in 2005 to honor chaplain emeritus Dr. David Burhans. The program provides funding for continuing, degree-seeking undergraduate students completing otherwise unpaid, academically grounded summer internships in the nonprofit or government sectors in Richmond or elsewhere.
The CCE expanded its Civic Fellowship Program to include three additional programs: Lawrence C. Marsh, B'82, GB'94, inaugurated the Deborah L. Marsh Civic Fellowship program in 2009 in honor of the memory of his sister, community-service advocate and Meals on Wheels president Deborah L. Marsh. In 2013, F. Amanda DeBusk, Esq., W'78, launched the F. Amanda DeBusk Civic Fellowship. DeBusk is a retired partner from the Washington, D.C., office of Dechert LLP, where she specialized in international-trade law, and a former UR Board of Trustees member. In 2015, University of Richmond president Edward L. Ayers created the Abby Brown Ayers Civic Fellowship in honor of his wife, who is a devoted teacher, volunteer, and parent. This fellowship gives preference to a student whose internship focuses on issues related to early-childhood education, nutrition, or food justice. In 2020, the CCE partnered with the Robins School of Business to establish the Business Societal Impact Fellowship.
A Civic Fellow completes between 320-400 hours at one internship site while simultaneously undertaking complementary academic work under the guidance of a faculty or qualified staff mentor. (Exceptions may be made in cases where an organization permits only shorter internships of between 240-319 hours, as is the case for some federal government internships.) Civic Fellows have secured internships locally, nationally, and internationally in the arts, education, the environment, human rights, community development, political advocacy, public health, criminal justice, international diplomacy, and other areas. The fellowship provides up to $5,000 ($12.50 per hour) for the student and $1,000 for the student’s academic mentor on the project.
There are two deadlines: Monday, March 24 at 5 p.m. for students interested in international experiences or on-campus housing, and the final deadline is Friday, May 2 at 5 p.m.
To apply for a Civic Fellowship you should:
- Complete the online URSF module.
- Identify the faculty mentor you would like to work with and ask them if they will serve as a mentor. If you are having trouble identifying a mentor, then please email Derek Miller at dmiller4@richmond.edu.
- Complete the online application. Part of the application must be completed with your mentor.
- Review our Civic Fellowship Application Supplement for helpful information as you finalize your application.
Current and Past Recipients
Ahn Diep
Business Societal Impact Fellow
IDP Company
Ho Chi Minh City, China
Site Supervisor: Le Thi Ngoc Quynh
Faculty Advisor: Chad Curtis
Sumina Chapagai
Burhans Civic Fellow
Valencia, Spain
Site Supervisor: Reem Hayek
Faculty Advisor: Rick Mayes
Timur Garifullin
Business Societal Impact Fellow
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Thomas Anderson
Faculty Advisor: David Balash
Megan Montoya
Burhans Civic Fellow
Conservacion Amazonica - ACCA
Cusco, Peru
Site Supervisor: Sidney Novoa
Faculty Advisor: David Salisbury
Kesang Choki
Business Societal Impact Fellow
Mobius Materials
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Margaret Upshur
Faculty Advisor: Alexander Persaud
Sanjna Kaul
Burhans Civic Fellow
Virginia Asian Chamber of Commerce
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: My Lan Tran
Faculty Advisor: Melissa Otten
Mariam Lomtadze
Burhans Civic Fellow
Office of the President of the General Assembly at United Nations
New York, NY
Site Supervisor: Nino Kakubava
Faculty Advisor: David Brandenberger
Johavy Mendoza Meza
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Tysons, VA
Site Supervisor: Lisa Zajur
Faculty Advisor: George Hiller
Rosemala Agarwala
Burhans Civic Fellow
Health Wagon
Wise, VA
Site Supervisor: Paula Hill Collins
Faculty Advisor: Margaret Tait
Maya Basnyat
Marsh Civic Fellow
Southside ReLeaf
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Dr. Shannon
Faculty Advisor: Todd Lookingbill
Will Iboshi
Burhans Civic Fellow
Oregon Department of Justice
Portland, OR
Site Supervisor: Laura Perez
Faculty Advisor: Jan French -
Jacob Barnet
Burhans Civic Fellow
Sierra Club
Richmond, VA (remote)
Site Supervisor: McKenna Dunbar
Faculty Advisor: Mary Finley-Brook
Dunja Beslac
Business Societal Impact Fellow
diiVe Consulting
Cape Town, South Africa (remote)
Site Supervisor: Elspeth Boynton
Faculty Advisor: Melissa Spencer
Stephanie Bird
Burhans Civic Fellow
Turnout Activism Inc.
Cambridge, Massachusets (remote)
Site Supervisor: Paulina Cano
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Erkulwater
Yamir Chapman
Marsh Civic Fellow
Goochland Cares
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Dominic Alexander
Faculty Advisor: Kathleen Skerrett
Kharma Hall
Burhans Civic Fellow
VCU Health
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Shelly Orr
Faculty Advisor: Shannon Jones
Khai La
Business Societal Impact Fellow
Vietcombank Securities Co. Ltd.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Site Supervisor: Tung Duong Pham
Faculty Advisor: Nhu Tran
Alexia-Carmen Leca
Burhans Civic Fellow
Embassy of Romania in Spain
Madrid, Spain
Site Supervisor: Bogdan Badescu
Faculty Advisor: Dan Chen
Angelina Makretsova
Business Societal Impact Fellow
diiVe Consulting
Cape Town, South Africa
Site Supervisor: Elspeth Boynton
Faculty Advisor: Raika Sadeghein
Elena Mecchi
Burhans Civic Fellow
International Studies Abroad
Site Supervisor: Stuart Shreve
Faculty Advisor: Rick Mayes
Emma Mecklenburger
Burhans Civic Fellow
Root and Rebound
Oakland, CA (remote)
Site Supervisor: Kaylie Stapleton
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Erkulwater
Nicole Llacza Morazzani
Burhans Civic Fellow
Virginia Economic Development Partnership
Munich, Germany
Site Supervisor: Antje Abshoff
Faculty Advisor: Mohammad Mehkrai
Grace Murphy
Ayers Civic Fellow
Center for Child & Family Health
Durham, NC
Site Supervisor: Margaret Samuels
Faculty Advisor: Omar Quintero
Duong Ngoc Linh Nguyen
Burhans Civic Fellow
Virginia Asian Chamber of Commerce
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: My Lan Tran
Faculty Advisor: KimMarie McGoldrick
Nandini Raisurana
DeBusk Civic Fellow
U.S. Supreme Court
Washington, DC
Site Supervisor: Nikki Peronace
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Bowie
Ivy de Souza
Burhans Civic Fellow
VCU Health
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Shelly Orr
Faculty Advisor: Rick Mayes
Jillian Yates
Burhans Civic Fellow
Basic English Course
Pare, Indonesia
Site Supervisor: Muhammad Fuad Al-Muttaqin
Faculty Advisor: Leslie Bohon -
Sherley Arias-Pimentel
Burhans Civic Fellow
International Studies Abroad
Santiago, Dominican Republic
Faculty Advisor: Patricia Herrera
Watch Sherley’s presentation
Jared Brassil
Deborah L. Marsh Civic Fellow
OAR of Richmond
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Michael DiGiacomo
Faculty Advisor: Kristjen Lundberg
Watch Jared’s presentation
Olivia Falck
Burhans Civic Fellow
Connecting World’s Abroad
Seville, Spain
Site Supervisor: Antonio Barneto
Faculty Advisor: Rick Mayes
Watch Olivia’s presentation
Mason Manley
Deborah L. Marsh Civic Fellow
Bridging the Gap in VA
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Richard Walker
Faculty Advisor: Mary Finley-Brook
Watch Mason’s presentation
Lily Miller
Amanda F. DeBusk Civic Fellow
The Office of Senator Ghazala Hashmi
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: June Laffey
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Erkulwater
Watch Lily’s presentation
Sarah Murtaugh
Burhans Civic Fellow
Concerned Citizens of Charles City County
Charles City County, VA
Site Supervisor: Beth Kreydatus
Faculty Advisors: Mary Finley-Brook and Beth Zizzamia
Watch Sarah’s presentation
William Tune
Burhans Civic Fellow
VA Museum of Fine Arts
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Peter Scherz
Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Baughan
Watch William’s presentation
Oheneba Berko
Business Societal Impact Fellow
Diive Consulting
Cape Town, South Africa
Site Supervisor: Elspeth Boynton
Faculty Advisor: Michael Marsh-Soloway
Watch Oheneba’s presentation
Natalie Benham
Burans Civic Fellow
Health Wagon
Wise, VA
Site Supervisor: Iris Castillo
Faculty Advisor: Lauranett Lee
Watch Natalie’s presentation
Julia Brittain
Burhans Civic Fellow
Health Wagon
Wise, VA
Site Supervisor: Iris Castillo
Faculty Advisor: Rick Mayes
Watch Julia’s presentation
Will Emerson
Burhans Civic Fellow
Darin LaHood Congressional Office
Washington, DC
Site Supervisor: Samuel Jockisch
Faculty Advisor: Colin Kielty
Watch Will’s presentation
Zazi Halla
Burhans Civic Fellow
Izaak Walton League of America
Gaithersburg, MD
Site Supervisor: Kira Carney
Faculty Advisor: Carrie Wu
Watch Zazi’s presentation
Godfrella Jonat-George
Burans Civic Fellow
Western Area Rural District Council
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Site Supervisor: Raman Tom Farmar
Faculty Advisor: Bob Spires
Watch Godfrella’s presentation
Donald Ross
Business Societal Impact Fellow
Touchstone Youth Program
Englewood, CO
Site Supervisor: Ken Lemos
Faculty Advisor: Mary Lynn Lunn
Nikki May
Burhans Civic Fellow
Sierra Club
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Ann Creasy
Faculty Advisor: Stephen Long
Bronson McLeod
Business Societal Impact Fellow
Metropolitan Business League
Richmond, VA
Site Supervisor: Alexa Lightfoot
Faculty Advisor: Terry Dolson -
Watch the 2021 Civic Fellows Symposium
Caroline Dembiczak, ’22, English and PPEL
Burhans Civic Fellow
SOAR365, Richmond, VA
Andrea Siebentritt, site supervisor
Dr. Elizabeth Outka, English, faculty mentor
McKenna Dunbar, ’23, Undeclared
Marsh Civic Fellow
Concerned Citizens for Charles City County (C5), Charles City, VA
Beth Kreydatus, site supervisor
Dr. Mary Finley-Brook, Geography and the Environment, faculty mentor
Caterina Erdas, ’22, Interdisciplinary Studies: Science Communication
Burhans Civic Fellow
Autism Speaks, Baltimore, MD
Adrienne Cornwall, site supervisor
Dr. Jan French, Sociology and Anthropology, faculty mentor
Ava Gural, ’23, Political Science and Economics
Burhans Civic Fellow
The Office of Senator Charles Schumer
Kimarah Timoty, site supervisor
Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, Political Science, faculty mentor
Esther Helm, ’23, Global Studies and Arabic Studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Carter Center, Atlanta, GA
Lauren Kent-Delany, site supervisor
Kasongo Kapanga, Languages, Literatures, and Culture, faculty mentor
Peiling Hu, ’23, Business Administration and Computer Science
Burhans and Business Societal Impact Civic Fellow
Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity, Richmond, VA
Kristin Vinagro, site supervisor
Dr. Scott Johnson, Robins School of Business, faculty mentor
Yashwi Jain, ’22, Business Administration and Computer Science
Burhans and Business Societal Impact Civic Fellow
VA Asian Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, VA
My Lan Tran, site supervisor
Dr. George Hiller, Robins School of Business, faculty mentor
Sabrina Munro, ‘22, Biology and Healthcare Studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
VA Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative, Richmond, VA
Shannon Pursell, site supervisor
Jennifer Nourse, Sociology and Anthropology, faculty mentor
Alex Pistolesi, ‘22, Global Studies and Italian
Burhans and Business Society Impact Civic Fellow
Microdreams Foundation/SPBD Network, Newark, NJ
Polly Kelekis, site supervisor
Lidia Radi, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, faculty mentor
Miquell Shaw, ’22, Africana Studies
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Minnesota Office of Human Rights, Minneapolis, MN
Rebecca Lucero, site supervisor
Dr. Kathleen Skerrett, University Professor, faculty mentor
Sarah Page Steffens, ’22, Chemistry and Environmental Studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Science Museum of Virginia, Richmond, VA
Devin Jefferson, site supervisor
Todd Lookingbill, Geography and the Environment, faculty mentor
Magnolia Stuart, ’22, Philosophy
Burhans Civic Fellow
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington, DC
Sungho Kim, site supervisor
Dr. Melissa Ooten, will Program, faculty mentor
Ying Zhu, ’23, Business Administration and Computer Science
Burhans and Business Society Impact Civic Fellow
Sapere Aude Consortium, Boston, MA
Joseph Craven, site supervisor
Dr. Ge Wu, Finance, faculty mentor -
Grace Ahn, ’22
F. Amanda DeBusk Fellow
Faculty Mentor: George Hiller
Organization: VA Asian Chamber of Commerce, Ashland, VASuraj Bala, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: Office of Global Affairs, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Washington, DCKayla Connelly, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Sam Seeley
Organization: Youth Life Foundation, Richmond, VALucy Cummins, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Jan French
Organization: Health Brigade, Richmond, VAMcKenna Dunbar, ’23
Deborah L. Marsh Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Mary Finley-Brook
Organization: Concerned Citizens of Charles City County, Charles City, VAMargaux Kelley, ’21
Richmond fellow
Faculty Mentor: Cheryl Pallant
Organization: Body-Mind Centering Association, South-Hadley, MassachusettsGrace Kiernan, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Erkulwater
Organization: Melissa Shusterman for PA State Representative, Phoenixville, PAEmily Lopez, ’23
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Todd Lookingbill
Organization: Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, Richmond, VANicole Miller, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PAEmmie Poth-Nebel, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Baughan
Organization: Montpelier Foundation, Orange, VASabrina Ramsby, ’21
F. Amanda DeBusk Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Karina Vazquez
Organization: US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Raleigh, NCJasjani Roane, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Vivian Leung
Organization: Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Port Angeles, WARomie Tufaro, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: William Bergman
Organization: The Club, Palo Alto, CACourtney Vu, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: The Family Practice and Counseling Network, Philadelphia, PASophie Weinberg, ’21
Abby Brown Ayers Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Chris Stevenson
Organization: Center For Health, Environment, and Justice, Falls Church, VADarian Wyatt, ’21
Deborah L. Marsh Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Todd Lookingbill
Organization: Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, Richmond, VA
Alexis Aviles, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: World Relief Chicago, Chicago, IL
Watch Alexis’ presentationMira Carroll, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Mary Finley-Brook
Organization: Bridging the Gap in Virginia, Richmond, VA
Watch Mira’s presentationLucy Cummins, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Jan French
Organization: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MAJayana Ervin, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Mari Lee Mifsud
Organization: Virginia Poverty Law Center, Richmond, VA
Watch Jayana’s presentationSavannah Etzler, ’21
Abby Brown Ayers Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Nicole Sackley
Organization: Shalom Farms, Richmond, VA
Watch Savannah’s presentationKexin "Helen" Li, ’21
F. Amanda DeBusk Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Monti Datta
Organization: Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Human Trafficking, Los Angeles, CA
Watch Helen’s presentationBrooke Loomis, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Raina Sweis
Organization: PennState Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Watch Brooke’s presentationAnnalise Mangone, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Raina Sweis
Organization: Science Museum of VA, Richmond, VA
Watch Annalise’s presentationMyrsini Manou Georgila, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Bob Spires
Organization: Summerbridge Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Watch Myrsini’s presentationMaria McDonough, ’19
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Jan French
Organization: Lacrosse the Nations, Bocas del Toro, PanamaGibran Merchant, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: Asociación Educativa Wiñaypaq, Pisac, Peru
Watch Gibran’s presentationDana Morcillo, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Kristine Grayson
Oranization: Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN
Watch Dana’s presentationCaroline Schiavo, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Andrew Schoeneman
Organization: Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation, NY, NY
Watch Caroline’s presentationAna Shimeall, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: Asociación Educativa Wiñaypaq, Pisac, PeruKate Sjovold, ’21
Deborah L. Marsh Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Mary Finley-Brook
Organization: Shalom Farms
Watch Kate’s presentationYesireth Solis, ’21
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Rick Mayes
Organization: CINECU, Sevilla, Spain
Watch Yesireth’s presentationGabriela Telepman, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Alicia Diaz
Organization: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, New York, NY
Watch Gabriela’s presentationAlice Vo, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Nourse
Organization: Chinese-American Planning Council, New York, NY
Watch Alice’s presentation -
Roberto Auza Suarez, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Rick Mayes, Political Science
Organization: GoochlandCares Free ClinicMiranda Barbosa, ’20
David D. Burhans Fellow
Advisor: Rick Mayes, Political Science
Organizations: FNE International and RGHA, Leon Nicaragua and CrossOver Healthcare Ministry, Richmond, VA
Watch Miranda’s presentation
Nat Berry, ’20
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Monti Datta, Political Science
Organization: Social Justice Coalition, Cape Town, South Africa
Madeline Brown, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Rick Mayes, Political Science
Organization: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Watch Maddie’s presentation
Peyton Carter, ’19
Deborah L. Marsh Fellow
Advisor: Jan French, Anthropology
Organization: The Greater Richmond ARC, Richmond, VA
Watch Peyton’s presentationEmily Churchill, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Olivier Delers, French
Organization: CEDEI Foundation, Cuenca, Ecuador
Watch Emily’s presentationKidest Gebre, ’20
Abby Brown Ayers Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Mary-Finley Brook, Geography, Environmental Studies & International Studies
Organization: Virginia Interfaith Power & Light, Richmond, VA
Watch Kidest’s presentation
Joanna Hejl, ’20
F. Amanda DeBusk Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Samantha Seeley, History
Organization: Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, Charlottesville, VA
Watch Joanna’s presentation
Free Henderson, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Rick Mayes, Political Science
Organization: Crossroad Health Center, Cincinnati, OH
Watch Free’s presentationJohnnette Johnson, ’20
David D. Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Lauranett Lee, Leadership Studies
Organization: Peter Paul Development Center, Richmond, VA
Watch Dr. Miller introduce Johnnette’s presentation and view her brochureSunny Lim, ’18
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Jennifer Nourse, Anthropology
Organization: Laura’s House, Orange County, CA
Watch Sunny’s presentationJordan Lloyd, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Jan French, Anthropology
Organization: WeSpeak, Calabar, Brazil
Watch Jordan’s presentationMegan McLaughlin, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: George Hiller, International Business
Organization: The Health Wagon, Wise, VA
Watch Megan’s presentationKatherine Murbach, ’20
Advisor: Mavis Brown, Education
Organization: Partners in the Arts, Richmond, VA
Watch Katherine’s presentationJimmy Odell, ’20
Deborah L. Marsh Fellow
Advisors: Elizabeth Baughan, Classics and Archaeology, and Kristine Grayson, Biology
Organization: Friends of East End Cemetery, Richmond, VA
Watch Jimmy’s presentationEllie Owen, ’20
Advisor: Jenny Pribble, Political Science and International Studies
Organization: Scholar’s Latino Initiative, Richmond, VAMadison Sweitzer, ’19
David D. Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Jenny Pribble, Political Science and International Studies
Organization: Highland Support Project, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Watch Madison’s presentation -
Isabella Brafman, ’18, political science
Ayers Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Tracy Roof, political science
Internship: Fair Food Network, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Watch Isabella’s presentation
Javier De Anda Cordero, ’19, business administration
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Advisor: Professor George Hiller, J.D., international business
Internship: New Mexico Trade and Higher Education Center of Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico
Watch Javier’s presentation
Jeremy Etelson, ’18, politics, philosophy, economics, and law (PPEL)
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Andrea Simpson, political science
Internship: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C.
Watch Jeremy’s presentation
Tomi Jegede, ’18, health care studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: The Small Things, Nkoaranga, Tanzania
Watch Tomi’s presentation
Evelyn Jeong, ’19, geography
Burhans Civic Fellow funded by the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Todd Lookingbill, geography, the environment, and biology
Internship: City of Richmond Planning and Development Review, Richmond, Va.
Watch Evelyn’s presentation
Michael Johnson, ’19, leadership studies and politics, philosophy, economics, and law (PPEL)
Burhans Civic Fellow funded by the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Tom Shields, education and graduate education
Internship: Virginia Governor’s Children’s Cabinet, Richmond, Va.
Watch Michael’s presentation
Ellie Masson, ’18, poltical science
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Bowie, political science
Internship: Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform, Burlington, Vt.
Watch Ellie’s presentation
Tori Noles, ’18, health care studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Dan Palazzolo, political science
Internship: Virginia Governor’s Fellowship, Richmond, Va.
Watch Tori’s presentation
Tim Park, ’18, health care studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Professor George Hiller, J.D., international business
Internship: The Health Wagon, Wise, Va.
Watch Tim’s presentation
Rocio Posada-Castaneda, ’19, Latin American, Latino, and Iberian Studies (LAIS) and health care studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Peruvian Hearts, Cusco, Peru
Watch Rocio’s presentation
Marshea Robinson, ’18, health care studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Camden Coalition of Health Care Providers, Camden, N.J.
Watch Marshea’s presentation
Miranda Rosenblum, ’18, American studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Glyn Hughes, sociology
Internship: Equality Virginia, Richmond, Va.
Annika Sampedro, ’19, Latin American, Latino, and Iberian studies (LAIS) and international studies
Burhans Civic Fellow funded by the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Mary Finley-Brook, geography, environmental studies, and international studies
Internship: Sacred Heart Center, Richmond, Va.
Watch Annika’s presentation
Natasha Shannon, ’18, international studies and anthropology
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rania Sweis, anthropology and international studies
Internship: ReEstablish Richmond, Richmond, Va.
Watch Natasha’s presentation
Chiara Solitario, ’18, health care studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Danville Regional Fund, Danville, Va.
Watch Chiara’s presentation -
Jackie Arnold, ’17, criminal justice and political science
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Professor Michelle Welch, law
Internship: Public Defender’s Office, Charlottesville, Va.
Olivia Barnum, ’18, biology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Hospital Universitario Hernandez Vera, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Costas Beauclair-Kolomtsas, ’17, international studies: world politics and diplomacy
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Sandra Joireman, political science
Internship: Office of Mayor Karin Tome, Brunswick, Md.
Dominique Brown, ’17, American studies
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Herrera, theatre
Internship: The Valentine Museum, Richmond, Va.
Claire Comey, ’19, undeclared
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Office of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Washington, D.C.
Ashley James, ’18, environmental studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Malcolm Hill, biology
Internship: James River Association, Richmond, Va.
Byongho Lee, ’18, political science
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Richard Dagger, political science
Internship: Storefront for Community Design, Richmond, Va.
Jabari Lucas, ’18, undeclared
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Monti Datta, political science
Internship: Richmond City Justice Center, Richmond, Va.
Ren Mitchell, ’17, political science
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Jan French, anthropology
Internship: Pathways, Petersburg, Va.
Maggie Moroney, ’17, political science
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Sandra Joireman, political science
Internship: U.S. Embassy in Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia
Claudia Partida, ’18, biology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Steven Thompson, business management
Internship: Esperenza International, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Chelsea Piserchia, ’18, undeclared
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Kristine Grayson, biology
Internship: Morristown Medical Center, Atlantic Health Systems, Morristown, N.J.
Melisa Quiroga-Herrera, ’18, biology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Hospital Universitario Hernandez Vera, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Sara Rikalo, ’17, international studies: world politics and diplomacy, history
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Steve Bisese, student development
Internship: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Residence Life, Fairbanks, Alaska
Julia Rivara, ’17, international studies: world politics and diplomacy; Latin American, Latino, and Iberian studies
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Ransom, sociology and anthropology
Internship: Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, Va.
Natalie Somerville, ’17, international studies: world politics and diplomacy, French
Ayers Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Todd Lookingbill, geography and the environment
Internship: James River Park System, Richmond, Va.
Alexa Williams, ’17, environmental studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Mary Finley-Brook, geography, environmental studies, and international studies
Internship: Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Richmond, Va. -
Aaron Brown, ’16, English
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Professor Cheryl Pallant, dance
Internship: Dogtown Dance Theatre, Richmond, Va.
Watch the presentation
Alexis Caldwell, ’16, biochemistry and molecular biology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Carrie Wu, biology
Internship: Genetic Alliance, Washington, D.C.
Watch the Presentation
Brenden Carol, ’17, philosophy, politics, economics, and law (PPEL)
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Sandra Joireman, political science
Internship: Congressional Management Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Cassandra Ceballos, ’17, sociology
Ayers Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Ransom, sociology
Internship: Community Food and Justice Coalition, Oakland, Calif.
Watch the presentation
Amelia Clark, ’16, healthcare studies, French
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland
Watch the presentationAisha Farooq, ’17, healthcare studies; philosophy, politics, economics, and law (PPEL)
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Monti Datta, political science
Internship: Arlington Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, Arlington, Va.
Watch the presentation
Rachel Gilbert, ’16, biochemistry and molecular biology, healthcare studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Faison School for Autism, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationAlexander Krass, ’16, environmental studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Mary Finley-Brook, geography, environmental studies, and international studies
Internship: Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Richmond, Va.
Watch the presentationKyungSun Lee, ’16, social entrepreneurship
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: United Virginia Education Fund, Richmond, Va.
Watch the presentation
Sharon Lim, ’16, political science, American studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, poltical science
Internship: Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, Richmond, Va.
Watch the presentation
Hanna Moreland, ’16, biology
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Clinica San Juan de Dios, Cusco, Peru
Watch the Presentation
Kristin Neil, ’16, sociology, Spanish
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Jan French, anthropology
Internship: Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, Va.
Watch the Presentation
Tori Noles, ’18, chemistry, leadership studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Scott Johnson, communication studies
Internship: Restore International, San Diego, Calif.
Watch the Presentation
Emily Onufer, ’17, environmental studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. David Kitchen, climate change and environment
Internship: Te Ipukarea Society, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Watch the Presentation
Molly Rossi, ’16, cross-cultural communications
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jan French, anthropology
Internship: Smithsonian Institution Museums, Washington, D.C.
Watch the presentation
Emily Smith, ’16, healthcare and society
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Office of U.S. Congressman Jim Cooper, Washington, D.C.
Watch the Presentation
Emma Terwilliger, ’16, political science
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Voices for Virginia’s Children, Richmond, Va.
Watch the Presentation
Christian Voto, ’16, biochemistry
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Professor George Hiller, international business
Internship: The Health Wagon, Wise, Va.
Watch the presentation -
Abigail (Abbey) Beichler, ’15, sociology and criminal justice
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Laine Briddell, sociology
Internship: Baltimore City Office of the Public Defender, Juvenile Division, in Baltimore, Md.
Brenden Carol, ’17, undeclared major
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Ernest McGowen, political science
Internship: Ignite NC in Durham, N.C.
Watch the presentation
Mary (Charlsey) Graham, ’15, healthcare and society
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: University of Louisville School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, in Louisville, Ky.
Watch the presentation
Stella Han, ’15, international economics
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. David Salisbury, geography, environmental studies, and international studies
Internship: United States Agency for International Development at the National University of Ucayali in Pucallpa, Peru
Watch the presentation
Rand Irons, ’15, poltical science
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Virginia Local Initiatives Support Corporation and Storefront for Community Design, both in Richmond, Va.
Watch the presentation
Chan Mee (Sharon) Lim, ’16, political science and rhetoric and communication
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Richmond Public Schools, Office of School-Community Partnerships, in Richmond, Va.
Anna Sangree, December ’14, geography and environmental studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Shalom Farms in Goochland, VA, and Renew Richmond in Richmond, Va.
Watch the presentationFatma (Mel) Shuaipi, ’15, business administration with a concentration in international business
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Advisor: Shital Thekdi, management
Internship: Community Enterprise Solutions in El Seibo, Dominican Republic
Richmond Times-Dispatch article
Watch the presentation
Jenni (Jen) Swegan, ’15, English
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Tom Bonfiglio, comparative literature and linguistics
Internship: Shalom Farms in Goochland, VA, and Richmond Regional Planning District Commission in Richmond, Va.
Emily Whitted, ’15, English
Burhans Civic Fellow with funding from the Suhor-Graham Foundation
Advisor: Dr. Mavis Brown, education
Internship: The Steward School, Bryan Innovation Lab, Richmond, Va. -
Xavier Bonifaz, ’15, business administration and international economics
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Pollack, management
Internship: IDBI Microfinance, Baroda, India
Watch the PresentationMelissa Diamond, ’15, interdisciplinary studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Professor Tom Mullen, journalism
Internship: Hammer, Wayzata, Minn.Miki Doan, ’14, business administration with an economics concentration
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Wight, economics
Internship: AMIT Community Development Association, Lusaka, Zambia
Watch the PresentationBrian Guay, ’14, psychology and political science
DeBusk Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Concord Coalition, Arlington, Va.
Watch the PresentationShaleetta Hicks, ’14, interdisciplinary studies
Burhans Civic Fellow and Chaplaincy Fellow, funded by a Suhor-Graham Foundation grant
Advisor: Dr. Crystal Hoyt, leadership studies
Internship: Richmond City Health District, Richmond, Va.Jasmine Jones, ’14, American studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jan French, sociology and anthropology
Internship: Chicago Coalition for the HomelessDillon Massey, ’15, geography and the environment and independent studies with a Latin American concentration
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. David Salisbury, geography and the environment
Internship: USAID/Peru at the U.S. Embassy, Lima, Peru
Watch the PresentationWesley Meredith, ’15, psychology and religious studies
Burhans Civic Fellow, funded by a Suhor-Graham Foundation grant
Advisor: Dr. Cindy Bukach, psychology
Internship: The Virginia Home, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationKevin Perry, L ’14, law
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Adrienne Volenik, law
Internship: Fredericksburg Public Defender’s Office, Fredericksburg, Va.
Watch the PresentationDheer Shah, ’15, business administration and economics
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Pollack, management
Internship: IDBI Microfinance, Baroda, India
Watch the PresentationMel Shuaipi, ’15, business administration
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Dr. Monti Datta, political science
Internship: Esperanza International, Dominican Republic
Richmond Times-Dispatch articleAidan Sullivan, ’15, business administration with a finance concentration
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Craig Kocher, Chaplaincy
Internship: Mission Possible, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaAzmain Taz, ’16, biochemistry and molecular biology and chemistry
Burhans Civic Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Watch the Presentation -
Jah Akande, ’13, political science
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Andrea Simpson, political science
Internship: Office of Delegate Joseph Morrissey, the Virginia General Assembly, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationShir Bodner, ’12, international studies with a Middle East concentration
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: David Brandenberger, history
Internship: Jewish Family Services, Richmond, Va.
Watch the Presentation
Kerry Boland, ’14, English
Marsh Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Thomas Shields, graduate education
Internship: Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationPeter CampoBasso, ’14, leadership studies
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Nathan Snaza, English
Internship: Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) at the Promise Academy Elementary School, Washington, D.C.
Watch the PresentationMary Hampton Elam, ’14, leadership studies and psychology
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Bedelia Richards, sociology
Internship: Step Ahead Integrated Community Development Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand
Watch the PresentationDaniel Fairley II, ’13, psychology
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Laine Briddell, sociology and criminal justice
Internship: United States Marshals Service in the Office of Internal Investigations, Arlington, Va.
Watch the PresentationLaShonda Hanna, ’13, interdisciplinary studies with a public health concentration
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Internship: Rubicon, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationDiego Leal, ’15, interdisciplinary studies with concentrations in international studies and social justice
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: David Salisbury, geography and environmental studies
Internship: Centro de Investigación de Fronteras Amazónicas (CIFA) of the Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Pucallpa, Peru
Watch the PresentationAmanda Lineberry, ’14, American studies and political science
Burhans Civic Fellowship, supported by a Suhor-Graham Foundation grant
Advisor: Amy Howard, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement
Internship: Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationKeon Monroe, ’13, environmental studies and journalism
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Samuel Abrash, chemistry
Internship: National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
Watch the PresentationRon Pritchett, ’13, sociology
Burhans Civic Fellowship, supported by a Suhor-Graham Foundation grant
Advisor: Bedelia Richards, sociology
Internship: Higher Achievement at Henderson Middle School, Richmond, Va.
Watch the PresentationRachel Ringgold, ’13, English
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Tammy Milby, education
Internship: Mighty Writers, Philadelphia, Pa.
Watch the PresentationSherzel Smith, ’13, interdisciplinary studies with concentrations in health care policy and public health
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Ghana Public Health Internship Programme through the Abusua Foundation’s Abusua Community Internship and Placement Programme (ACIPP), Cape Coast, Ghana
Watch the PresentationMariah Williams, ’14, sociology
Burhans Civic Fellowship
Advisor: Catherine Bagwell, psychology, and Rick Mayes, political science
Internship: Bloomingdale Family Program, New York City, N.Y.
Watch the Presentation -
Nikki Cannavo, ’13, leadership studies
Burhans Civic Fellow, funded by a Suhor-Graham Foundation grant
American Red Cross, Greater Richmond Regional Headquarters, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Douglas Hicks, leadership studies and religion
Watch the PresentationShelby Longland, ’13, French and linguistics
Burhans Civic Fellow
International Institute of New England, Manchester, N.H.
Advisor: Nuray Grove, ESL servicesCaitlin Manak, ’12, leadership studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Higher Achievement, Washington, D.C.
Advisor: Jennifer Erkulwater, political science
Watch the Presentation
Randi Mansell, sophomore, leadership studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
Communities in Schools, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Thaddeus Williamson, leadership studies
Watch the PresentationAlex Purdy, ’12, geography and international studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Green Map, New York, N.Y.
Advisor: David Salisbury, geography and the environment
Watch the PresentationKatherine Schmidt, ’12, American studies
Burhans Civic Fellow, funded by a Suhor-Graham Foundation grant
Art 180, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Catherine Bagwell, psychology
Watch the PresentationJessica Workman, ’12, psychology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Wilson Police Department Victim Assistance Program, Wilson, N.C.
Advisor: Laine Briddell, sociology and criminal justice
Watch the PresentationJun Xie, ’12, accounting
Burhans Civic Fellow
United Virginia and Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Raymond Slaughter, accounting
Watch the PresentationMike Yeomans, ’12, philosophy
Burhans Civic Fellow
Friends of the Children New York, New York, N.Y.
Advisor: Ladelle McWhorter, philosophy and women’s studies
Watch the Presentation -
"Summer internships offer range of experiences for Civic Fellows" - Article
Katherine Blanchard, junior, sociology and women, gender and sexuality studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Voices for Virginia’s Children, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Christine Mowery, sociology
Watch the Presentation
Terrence Daly, junior, international studies (focus on Africa)
Burhans Civic Fellow
Blantyre Synod Development Commission, Blantyre, Malawi
Advisor: Joseph Obi, sociology
Watch the Presentation
Jeffrey Hunt, sophomore, leadership studies and economics
Burhans Civic Fellow
Virginia Organizing Project, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Thaddeus Williamson, leadership studies
Watch the Presentation
Ann Jarboe, sophomore, psychology and women, gender and sexuality studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Children’s Advocacy Center of Benton County, Rogers, Ark.
Advisor: Melissa Ooten, women, gender and sexuality studies
Grace Leonard, sophomore, anthropology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Youth Life Foundation of Richmond, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Jan French, anthropology
Sarah Levinn, junior, religion and history
Burhans Civic Fellow
First Freedom Center, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Douglas Hicks, leadership studies and religion
Watch the PresentationGabrielle Misiewicz, junior, interdisciplinary studies (focus on African diaspora) and women, gender and sexuality studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Project, Washington, D.C.
Advisor: Andrew McGraw, music
Watch the Presentation
Nina Mondelli, junior, business administration (focus on entrepreneurship) and studio art
Burhans Civic Fellow
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT), Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Jeffrey Pollack, business management
For the final project for her fellowship, Nina created a documentary on the history of CHAT.
John Stafford, junior, chemistry (focus on pre-health)
Marsh Civic Fellow
CrossOver Ministry, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Rick Mayes, political science
Watch the Presentation
Matthew Wentworth, junior, business management (focus on entrepreneurship and marketing)
Burhans Civic Fellow
Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Jeffrey Pollack, business management
Watch the Presentation -
Guillermo Avellan, senior (expected graduation December 2009), economics
Burhans Civic Fellow
Inter-American Development Bank, Ecuador and Washington, D.C.
Advisor: Jonathan Wight, economics and international studies
Constance Clay, sophomore, African-American studies and sociology
Burhans Civic Fellow
Youth Life Foundation of Richmond, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Bertram Ashe, English and American studies
Watch the Presentation
Anne Tyler Feldmann, sophomore, leadership studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Roanoke, Va.
Advisor: Douglas Hicks, leadership studies and religion
Watch the Presentation
Cloe Franko, junior, geography and environmental studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Educational Network for Global and Grassroots Exchange (ENGAGE), eastern Kentucky and Spartanburg, S.C.
Advisor: Karl Bren, urban studies
Watch the Presentation
Jenna Garber, junior, leadership studies
Marsh Civic Fellow
International Hospital for Children, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Thad Williamson, leadership studies
Watch the Presentation
Lucas Hakkenberg, first-year student, undeclared
Burhans Civic Fellow
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Kevin Kuswa, rhetoric and communications studies
Watch the Presentation
Kelly McDaniel, junior, biology and interdisciplinary studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Fan Free Clinic, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Rick Mayes, political science
Kendall Paine, junior, leadership studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
City of Richmond Hispanic Liaison Office, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Angel Otero-Blanco, Latin American and Iberian studies
Watch the Presentation
Michael Rogers, sophomore, urban studies
Burhans Civic Fellow
Partnership for Smarter Growth, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Thad Williamson, leadership studies
Watch the Presentation
Sherry Sun, sophomore, accounting
Burhans Civic Fellow
Commonwealth Catholic Charities, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Valaria Vendrzyk, accounting
Watch the Presentation
Carly Vendegna-Ramirez, junior, geography
Burhans Civic Fellow
Growing Power, Chicago, Il.
Advisor: Elizabeth Ransom, sociology
Watch the Presentation
Geoff Weathersby, first-year student, undeclared
Burhans Civic Fellow
Philly LiveArts, Philadelphia, Pa.
Advisor: David Howson, interim director, Modlin Center for the Arts
Watch the Presentation -
Daniel Harawa, junior, sociology and American studies
Virginia Victim Assistance Academy, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Joan Neff, sociology and criminal justiceVladimir Hruda, junior, mathematical economics
Highland Support Project, Richmond, Va., and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Advisor: Jonathan Wight, economics and international studiesKendra Lahue, junior, political science
Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, Washington, D.C.
Advisor: Dan Palazzolo, political scienceAshlee Murphy, sophomore, sociology
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT), Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Scott Johnson, rhetoric and communication studiesEllis Pepper, first-year law student, environmental law
U.S. Attorney’s Office, Criminal Division, Alexandria, Va.
Advisor: Henry L. Chambers Jr., lawKate Simma, junior, political science
Mil Solidarios, Asunción, Paraguay
Advisor: Thad Williamson, leadership studiesEric VanEpps, sophomore, psychology and leadership studies
Behnaz Varamini, sophomore, Spanish and international studies
Mosaic Community Development, Omaha, Neb.
Advisor: Jeni Burnette, psychology
International Hospital for Children, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Catherine Simpson, Latin American and Iberian studiesKaryn Wong, freshman, accounting and business administration
Commonwealth Catholic Charities, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Valaria Vendrzyk, accounting -
Kristin Hurley, junior, rhetoric and communication studies
Henrico County Victim/Witness Assistance Program, Commonwealth’s Attorneys Office, Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Angela Swanson, rhetoric and communication studiesJason Levinn, junior, environmental studies and leadership studies
Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN), Richmond, Va.
Advisor: Steve Nash, journalismBrendan Regan, junior, psychology and Latin American and Iberian studies
Chester County 4-H Program of Pennsylvania and COSECHA (Cultivating Community), Toughkenamon, Pa.
Advisor: Aurora Hermida-Ruiz, Latin American and Iberian studiesMariela Rich, junior, environmental studies
Sustainable Communities Network, Lexington, Ky.
Advisor: Mary Finley-Brook, geography