Past Faculty Fellows

*Congratulations to our former Faculty Fellows who have been honored with the University's Distinguished Educator Award, as marked below.

2023-24 Newcomers

Jillean McCommons, Africana Studies and History
Christine Mowery, Sociology
Lilla Orr, Mathematics
Tracy Roof, Political Science
Tenace Setor, Analytics & Operations
Justin Wigard, Rhetoric & Communication Studies

2023-24 The Collaboratory: Cemeteries and Community 

Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies
Lauren Henley, Leadership Studies
Jeannine Keefer, Boatwright Memorial Library
Danielle Stokes, Law
Jen Thomas, Book Arts, Archives, and Rare Books, Boatwright Library
Beth Zizzamia, Geography & the Environment



2022–23 Interconnections: Campus and City Faculty Fellows

Margaret Dorsey, Anthropology
Carlos Hurtado Marteletti, Economics
Elizabeth Kissling, Latin American, Latino, & Iberian Studies
Nicole Maurantonio, Rhetoric & Communication Studies
Rick Mayes, Health Studies

2022–23 (Re)Engage Together Faculty Fellows

Deniz Besik, Business
Diana D'Amico-Pawlewicz, Educational Foundations & Research, University of North Dakota
Libby Gruner, English
Michael Marsh-Soloway, Global Studio
Chris Miller, Political Science
Tricia Stohr-Hunt, Education

2022–23 Community Engaged Scholarship: Writing for Academic Audiences

Shannon Jones, Biology
Olivier Delers, Lanugages, Literatures, and Cultures

2022–23 The Collaboratory: Cemeteries and Community Faulty Fellows        

University of Richmond
Lauren Henley, Leadership Studies
Jeannine Keefer, Boatwright Memorial Library
Emmy Ready, Latin American, Latino, & Iberian Studies
Stephanie Spera, Geography & the Environment
Beth Zizzamia, Geography & the Environment

Virginia Commonwealth University
Bernard Means, Anthropology
Ywone Edwards-Ingram, Focused Inquiry
Ryan Smith, History
Meghan Gough, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government of Public Affairs
Michael Rackett, VCU ASPIR

Community Partners
Loretta Tillman, Community Partner
Erin Hollaway Palmer, Editor
Melissa Pocock, Community Partner 


2021-22 Eco-Corridor Faculty Fellows

Alicia Diaz, Theatre & Dance
Amit Eynan, Analytics & Operations
Elizabeth Outka, English
Jeff Carlson, Marketing
Holly Blake, will
Laura Browder, English*
Lauranett Lee, Visiting Lecturer
Margaret Dorsey, Sociology & Anthropology
Mary Finley-Brook, Geography
Monika Siebert, English
Patricia Herrera, Theatre & Dance*

2021-22 Institutional History Faculty Fellows

Craig Kocher, University Chaplain and Leadership Studies
Kristjen Lundberg, Psychology
Maia Linask, Economics
Melissa Ooten, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and will
Miguel Diaz-Barriga, Sociology & Anthropology
Molly Fair, Boatwright Library
Kathleen Skerret, University Professor

2021-22 East End Collaboratory Fellows

University of Richmond
Beth Zizzamia, Geography & the Environment
Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies*
Jan French, Sociology & Anthropology*
Jeannine Keefer, Boatwright Memorial Library
Kristine Grayson, Biology
Stephanie Spera, Geography & the Environment
Lauren Henley, Leadership Studies

Virginia Commonwealth University
Bernard Means, Anthropology
Ywone Edwards-Ingram, Focused Inquiry
Ryan Smith, History
Meghan Gough, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government of Public Affairs
Michael Rackett, VCU ASPIRE

Community Partners
Loretta Tillman, Community Partner
Erin Hollaway Palmer, Editor
Melissa Pocock, Community Partner


2020-21 East End Cemetery Collaboratory Fellows

University of Richmond
Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies*
Kristine Grayson, Biology
Jeannine Keefer, Boatwright Memorial Library
Stephanie Spera, Geography & Environment
Elizabeth Zizzamia, Geography & Environment
Melissa Ooten, will/Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Virginia Commonwealth University
Ryan Smith, History
Ywone Edwards-Ingram, Focused Inquiry
Nannette Bailey, VCU ASPiRE
Mike Rackett, VCU ASPiRE

Community Partners
Friends of East End
Oakwood Arts
Brian Palmer, Independent journalist
Erin Hollaway Palmer, Editor
John Shuck, site manager, East End Cemetery
Jolene Smith, Historic Resources Data Coordinator, Virginia Department of Historic Resources

2020-21 Eco-Corridor Faculty Fellows

Emily Boone, Director of Biological Instruction
Trey Sutton, Assistant Professor of Management
Jennifer Sevin, Visiting Lecturer of Biology
Carrie Wu, Associate Professor of Biology*
Todd Lookingbill Associate Professor of Biology and Geography and the Environment*
Rob Andrejewski, Director of Sustainability
Allison Moyer, Associate Director of Landscape Services and Horticulture

2020-21 RSB Community-Based Learning Faculty Fellows

Rachel Juhas Suddarth, Professor of Law, Legal Practice
Carlos Hurtado, Assistant Professor of Economics
Shital Thekdi, Associate Professor of Management
George Hiller, Lecturer of International Business
Sara Hanson, Assistant Professor of Marketing

2020-21 Civic Engagement in the Curriculum Fellows

American Studies
Laura Browder, Tyler and Alice Haynes Professor of American Studies*
Patricia Herrera, Associate Professor of Theatre*
Nicole Maurantonio, Associate Professor*

Latin American, Latino, and Iberian Studies
Elizabeth Kissling, Associate Professor of Spanish and Applied Linguistics
Mariela Méndez, Associate Professor of Latin American, Latino and Iberian Studies and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Karina Vázquez, Director of Community-Based Learning

Karen Kochel, Associate Professor of Psychology
Kristjen Lundberg, Assistant Professor of Social Psychology
Camilla Nonterah, Assistant Professor of Health Psychology

Rhetoric and Communication Studies
Timothy Barney, Associate Professor
Nicole Maurantonio, Associate Professor*

Theatre and Dance
Alicia Díaz, Associate Professor of Dance
Patricia Herrera, Associate Professor of Theatre*
Chuck Mike, Associate Professor of Theatre


2019-20 Community-Based Learning (CBL) Faculty Fellows

Alicia Diaz, Theatre and Dance
DANC 319: Collaborative Arts Lab: Dance, Humanities, and Technology

Sylvia Gale, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement
FYS 100: Storytelling and Social Change

Shannon Hooker, Modlin Center for the Arts
ARTH/MUS/THTR 345: Philanthropy in the Arts

Vivian Leung, Geography and the Environment
Coastal Hazards

Kristjen Lundberg, Psychology
PSYC 449: Prejudice and Intergroup Relations

Michael Marsh-Soloway, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
SDLC 105, 110, 111, 112, 113: Self-Directed Language Acquisition Program

Camilla Nonterah, Psychology
PSYC 299/WGSS 279: Women's Health

Stephanie Spera, Geography & Environment
GEOG 280/ENVS 300: Special Topic: Weather, Climate and Society

Bob Spires, Graduate Education
EDUC 517: Foundations of Education

2019-20 East End Cemetery Collaboratory

Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies, University of Richmond*
CLSC 220: Introduction to Archaeology

Jory Brinkerhoff, Biology, University of Richmond
BIOL 336: Eco-epidemiology

Alicia Diaz, Theatre and Dance, University of Richmond
DANC 319: Collaborative Arts Lab: Dance, Humanities, and Technology

Kristine Grayson, Biology, University of Richmond
BIOL 202: Integrated Biological Principles II

Patricia Herrera, Theatre & Dance, University of Richmond*
DANC 319: Collaborative Arts Lab: Dance, Humanities, and Technology

Jeannine Keefer, Boatwright Memorial Library, University of Richmond
FYS100: Why do we build? Why should we care?

Stephanie Spera, Geography & Environment, University of Richmond
ENVS/GEOG 360: Environmental Remote Sensing

Doug Winiarski, Religious Studies, University of Richmond
AMST 381/RELG 358, Richmond: City of the Dead

Susan Bodnar-Deren, Sociology, Virginia Commonwealth University

Ryan Smith, History, Virginia Commonwealth University

Ywone Edwards-Ingram, Department of Focused Inquiry, Virginia Commonwealth University

Brian Palmer, Independent journalist

Erin Hollaway Palmer, Editor

John Shuck, site manager, East End Cemetery


2018-2019 Community-Engaged Scholars

Laura Browder, American Studies*

Lauranett Lee, Public History and Leadership Studies

Todd Lookingbill, Geography & the Environment, and Biology*

Patricia Stohr-Hunt, Education

2018-2019 East End Cemetery Collaboratory

Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies*
Introduction to Archaeology

Emily Boone, Biology
Integrated Biology II

Laura Browder, English*
Representing Civil Rights in Richmond and Documenting Civil Rights in Richmond

Kristine Grayson, Biology
Integrated Biological Principles II

Patricia Herrera, Theatre & Dance*
Representing Civil Rights in Richmond and Documenting Civil Rights in Richmond

Jeannine Keefer, Art & Art History
Why Do We Build? Why Should We Care?

Doug Winiarski, Religious Studies
Richmond: City of the Dead

Susan Bodnar-Deren, Virginia Commonwealth University, Sociology

Ryan Smith, Virginia Commonwealth University, History

2018-2019 Exploratory Community: Incarceration

Riddhi Bhandari, Leadership Studies

Erin Collins, Law

Monti Datta, Political Science

Sylvia Gale, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement

Lisa Jobe-Shields, Psychology

Julie McConnell, Law

Andy McGraw, Music

Andrea Simpson, Political Science*

Kathleen Skerrett, Religious Studies

Ashlee Barnes, Virginia Commonwealth University, Focused Inquiry

Myrl Beam, Virginia Commonwealth University, Gender, Sexuality, and Women Studies

Troy Martin, Virginia Commonwealth University, Focused Inquiry

Stephanie Rizzi, Virginia Commonwealth University, Focused Inquiry

2018-2019 Gambles Mill Eco-Corridor Think Tank

Emily Boone, Biology

Yetkin Borlu, Sociology

Tim Hamilton, Economics

Elizabeth Outka, English*

David Salisbury, Geography & the Environment

Jennifer Sevin, Biology

Patricia Stohr-Hunt, Education

Shital Thekdi, Management

Carrie Wu, Biology


2017-2018 CBL Faculty Fellows

Lauranett Lee, Public History
Introduction to Public History and Public History Capstone Course

Tom Mullen, Journalism
News Writing & Reporting and FYS: Civic Journalism & Social Justice

Melissa Ooten, WGSS*
FYS: Slavery in the Contemporary Imagination

Karina Vazquez, LALIS
Spanish in the Community

2017-2018 East End Cemetery Collaboratory

Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies*
Introduction to Archeology and FYS: Death and Commemoration in Antiquity

Emily Boone, Biology
Integrated Biological Principles II

Jory Brinkerhoff, Biology
Integrated Biological Principles II and Eco-epidemiology

Kristine Grayson, Biology
Integrated Biological Principles II

Doug Winiarski, Religious Studies
Richmond: City of the Dead

Susan Bodnar-Deren, Virginia Commonwealth University, Sociology

Ryan Smith, Virginia Commonwealth University, History


2016-2017 CBL Faculty Fellows

Elizabeth Baughan, Classical Studies*
Introduction to Archeology

Olivier Delers, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
SSIR: Reading to Live

Kristine Grayson, Biology
Integrated Biological Principles II

Meredith Harbach, Law
Civil Procedure

George Hiller, School of Professional & Continuing Studies
Understanding Language and Culture: Latin Americans/ Latinos

Amy Howard, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement
FYS: Community

Erik Johnson, Economics
Urban Economics

Todd Lookingbill, Geography and the Environment*
Landscape Ecology

Julie McConnell, Law
Children's Defense Clinic

Tom Mullen, Journalism
Civic Journalism and Social Justice

Kimberly Robinson, Law
Education Law and Policy

Ernesto Semán, Leadership
Leadership in the Humanities

Dean Simpson, Classical Studies
The Classical Elements of the English Language

Andy Spalding, Law
Corporate Compliance

Martin Sulzer-Reichel, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Insiders/Outsiders: Arab Encounters with the West

Shital Thekdi, Management
Statistics for Business and Economics

Carrie Wu, Biology
Introduction to Biological Thinking: Biological Invasions


2015-2016 CBL Faculty Fellows

Kim Gower, Leadership
Justice and Civil Society

Jeannine Keefer, UR Libraries
20th Century Architecture and the City of Richmond

Maia Linask, Economics
International Trade: Causes, Consequences, and Controls

Françoise Ravaux-Kirkpatrick
Citizen Camera

Sydney Watts, History
Social Utopias


2014-2015 CBL Faculty Fellows

Carol Brown, Law
Housing Law

Lidia Radi, Modern Literatures & Cultures*
Women, Temptation, and Virtue

Kimberly Robinson, Law
Law and Educational Equity

Nicole Sackley, History
The Historian's Workshop

Monika Siebert, English
America in the World, the World in America

Joe Troncale, Modern Literatures & Cultures
What is Art For?


2013-14 CBL Faculty Fellows

Monti Narayan Datta, Political Science
Human Rights and Modern Day Slavery

Thais M. Diaz Montalvo, Latin American and Iberian Studies
Spanish in the Community

Jan H. French, Anthropology*
Human Rights in America

George L. Hiller, SPCS
Understanding Culture & Language II

N. Elizabeth Schlatter, University Museums
Museum Studies: Exhibiting Russian Jewish History in Richmond

David Stevens, English
Writing in Richmond

Shital A. Thekdi, Management
Statistics for Business and Economics

Douglas L. Winiarski, History and American Studies
Richmond: City of the Dead


2012-14 CBL Research and Scholarship Fellows

Laura Browder, English and American Studies*
Documentary Theatre and Digital Archive

Jennifer Erkulwater, Political Science*
Policy and Poverty/Methods Class

Nuray Grove, Modern Literatures and Cultures
International Students and Community-Based Learning

Patricia Herrera, Theatre and Dance*
Documentary Theatre and Digital Archive

Jeff Pollack, Management
Social Entrepreneurship and Community-Based Learning

Carlos Valencia, Latin American and Iberian Studies
Spanish in the Community

2012-13 CBL Faculty Fellows

Olivier Delers, Modern Literatures and Cultures
French-English Translation

Mary Finley-Brook, Geography and the Environment
Latin American Geographies: Transnational and Local Connections

Craig Kocher, Office of the Chaplaincy
SSIR: Living a Life of Consequence: Self Discovery and Social Change

Monika Kukar-Kinney, Marketing
Database Marketing

Nicole Maurantonio, Rhetoric and Communication Studies
Memory and Memorializing in the City of Richmond

Betsy Mullen, Journalism
News Writing and Reporting

Jonathan Whitaker, Management
Consulting Process and Practicum

Eric Yellin, History and American Studies*
Introduction to American Studies


2011-12 CBL Faculty Fellows

Amit Eynan, Management
Operations Management

Della Fenster, Mathematics and Computer Science
SSIR: Science In Context

Nuray Grove, Modern Languages and Cultures
English Communication in Cultural Context and Academic Writing in English as a Second Language

Rick Mayes, Political Science*
Global Health, Medical Humanities, and Human Rights

Tom Mullen, Journalism
FYS: Civic Journalism and Social Justice

Jennifer Nourse, Sociology and Anthropology
Medicine and Health from a Global/ Anthropological Perspective

David Salisbury, Geography and the Environment
Mapping sustainability: Cartography and Geographical Information in an Environmental Context

Mary Kelly Tate, Law
FYS: A Meditation on Wrongful Conviction


2010-2011 CBL Faculty Fellows

Todd Lookingbill, Geography
Geography of the James River Watershed

Laura Browder, American Studies/English and Patricia Herrera, Theatre and Dance
Documentary Theatre

Scott Nesbitt, Digital Scholarship Lab (with Ed Ayers),
Mapping American History (FYS)

Val Venderzyk, Accounting
Accounting Systems

Laura Browder, American Studies*
Immigrant Histories

Catherine Bagwell, Psychology (with Rick Mayes)
SSIR: Children and Mental Health

Mavis Brown, Education
Educating Diverse Learners

2010-2011 CBL Advanced Writing Fellows

Holly Blake, WILL

Jonathan Dattelbaum, Chemistry

Malcolm Hill, Biology

Amy Hodges, Law

Andy Litteral, Business

2009-10 CBL Faculty Fellows

Holly Blake, Associate Dean, Women's Education and Development
WILL/WGSS Senior Seminar

Jeni Burnette, Psychology
Applied Social Psychology

Jonathan Dattelbaum, Chemistry*

Paula Lessem, Biology
Emerging Infectious Diseases

Elizabeth Outka, English*, and Kevin Pelletier, English
Literature of War

Jeff Pollack, Management
Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Andrea Simpson, Political Science*
No Place to Go: Women, Dependency, and Homelessness

Carol Wharton, Sociology and Women's Studies
Homes and Neighborhoods


2008-09 CBL Faculty Fellows

Ronald Bacigal, Law
Criminal Process

Doug Bosse, Management
Strategic Management

Jennifer Erkulwater, Political Science*
The Politics of Poverty and Place

Jane Geaney, Religion
Orientalism, Racism, and Religion

Elisabeth Gruner, English
Introduction to Children's Literature

Gill Hickman, Leadership Studies
Leading Change

Scott Johnson, Rhetoric and Communication Studies
Topics in Research: Interviewing Methods

Sungmoon Kim, Leadership Studies
Justice and Civil Society

Lewis A. Litteral, Management*
Statistics for Business and Economics I

Joan Neff, Sociology/Anthropology/Criminal Justice
Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice

Tom Shields, Leadership Studies*
Justice and Civil Society

Carlos Valencia, Latin American and Iberian studies
Spanish in the Community

Thad Williamson, Leadership Studies*
Leadership and Governance in the Contemporary American Metropolis