Civic Learning & Action Goals

These goals, prepared by the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement in collaboration with community members, staff, faculty, and students, are reference points for impactful civic engagement. We see all participants in civic engagement activities as learners. 

Each goal set contains three domains of learning: building awareness, cultivating capacity, and taking action.


Learners will grow in ways that enhance their positive impact on the world around them. Specifically, learners will build their capacities for: 

Perspective Taking

Analyzing the origins, strengths, and limitations of one’s own and others’ worldviews 

Cultural Humility

Evaluating and, as appropriate, modifying one’s assumptions and biases that contribute to inequity

Civic Commitment

Developing one’s commitment to and effectiveness in participation in public processes 


Learners will engage responsibly with others to address community challenges and advance the public good. Specifically, learners will build their capacities for:

Strengths Orientation

Analyzing the positive contributions people’s knowledge, skills, and resources might make within communities

Change Agency

Evaluating and, as appropriate, modifying one’s use of co-creative approaches to community and environmental change


Developing one’s commitment to and effectiveness in working with others


Learners will understand the networked factors that nurture and impede the flourishing of individuals and communities, and will act accordingly to promote positive change. Specifically, learners will build their capacities for:

Holistic Analysis

Analyzing the broad, complex, and interrelated factors that contribute to systemic challenges

Power Analysis

Evaluating and, as appropriate, modifying dynamics that contribute to inequity

Sustainable Action

Developing one’s commitment to and effectiveness in advancing future systems that encourage the flourishing of individuals, communities, and the environment