Faculty Fellowships
Since 2008, the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) has organized a fellows program for faculty members who seek to transform or create a course with an integrated community-based learning (CBL) component. Fellows participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) facilitated by CCE staff but driven by the interests and goals of the FLC members. CCE Faculty Learning Committees are open to any instructor who will be teaching at the University of Richmond in 2025–26.
2025-26 Faculty Learning Communities
Helping Students Engage Well: Creative and Contemplative Practices to Support Community Engagement
What practices might we bring into our classrooms and community-engaged activities which would cultivate mindfulness and equanimity to help us in the search for understanding and improvement?
This faculty learning community will support experienced community-engaged learning faculty who would like to investigate ways to support engagement with the crises of our time from a place of wholeness and well-being.
Learn more and apply
The Richmond Cemetery Collaboratory
The CCE is looking for faculty/staff participants to join the Richmond Cemetery Collaboratory (RCC).
Entering its ninth year, the RCC is an interdisciplinary collaborative project between UR, VCU, the Friends of East End Cemetery, Woodland Restoration Foundation, and the Descendants Council of Greater Richmond, dedicated to documenting and supporting African American history and culture via the region’s cemeteries.
Participants in the RCC have brought their unique talents to help the mission through classes, research, community conversations, and beyond. Richmond Cemetery Collaboratory members earn a $1000 fellowship.