Immigration & Resettlement
Spiders volunteer to welcome and support immigrants and refugees in Richmond. Learn more about our community relationships, then click the link to explore current opportunities with each organization.
Immigration & Resettlement organizations are also in need of one-time volunteers, and these opportunities are posted as they become available.
Community Relationships & Opportunities
International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) assists refugees and immigrants in rebuilding their lives in the United States, offering essential services, resources, and support during the resettlement process.
Visit the International Rescue Committee website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
ReEstablish Richmond
ReEstablish Richmond empowers refugees and immigrants by providing services that promote self-sufficiency, cultural integration, and economic stability.
Visit the ReEstablish Richmond website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment.
Ei Noe, ei.noe@richmond.edu
Campus Connections
Carole M. Weinstein International Center
The Carole M. Weinstein International Center is Richmond’s state-of-the-art hub for efforts to internationalize the curriculum, explore, and appreciate new cultures. On any given day, you can find people mastering a new language, planning their study abroad experience with an advisor or attending one of the many events and programs throughout the year that bring the world to campus every day.
Relevant Courses
LDST 307 Leadership in International Contexts
Examines the ethics of international leadership. Students will consider ethical issues relating to international affairs that leaders and followers confront in politics, the military, business, and the nonprofit sectors. Topics include war, global poverty, migration, and international institutions. Primary focus ethical.
SOC 306 Social Change in a Global Perspective
Addresses the processes and forces underpinning the rise of modern nation-states and capitalist economies in the developed and developing worlds. Topics include: the coming of European modernity; dependency and development in Latin America and East Asia; the communist experiment; and globalization.
PLSC 353 International Security
Investigates international issues that threaten the security and prosperity of societies and individuals in the modern world. Issues include global terrorism, human slavery and trafficking, genocide, civil wars and insurgencies, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.