Healthcare and Public Health
Spiders engage with organizations that provide quality healthcare services, promote wellness, and advance public health initiatives. Learn more about our community relationships, then click the link to explore current opportunities with each organization.
Healthcare and Public Health organizations are also in need of one-time volunteers, and these opportunities are posted as they become available.
Community Relationships & Opportunities
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross provides disaster relief, blood donation services, health and safety training, and support to military families, contributing to emergency response and community resilience.
Visit the American Red Cross website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Birth in Color RVA
Birth in Color RVA is dedicated to improving maternal and infant health outcomes in marginalized communities by providing childbirth education, doula support, and advocacy services.
Visit the Birth in Color RVA website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Connor’s Heroes
Connor’s Heroes supports children and families facing pediatric cancer by providing financial assistance, emotional support, and educational resources to improve their quality of life.
Visit the Connor’s Heroes website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
CrossOver Healthcare Ministry offers medical, dental, and behavioral health services to uninsured and underserved individuals, promoting access to essential healthcare services.
Visit the CrossOver website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
The Doorways
The Doorways provides lodging and support services to patients and their families traveling to Richmond for medical care, ensuring they have a comfortable and supportive place to stay.
Visit The Doorways website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Early Impact VA
Early Impact VA is a state-wide collaboration of early childhood home visiting programs and partners seeking the accelerate the equitable and sustainable growth of maternal, infant and early childhood home visiting in Virginia.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment.
Girls on the Run Greater Richmond
Girls on the Run provides programs designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize and embrace their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others through physical activity and dynamic discussions.
Visit the Girls on the Run website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Goochland Cares
Goochland Cares offers comprehensive health and human services to residents in Goochland County, focusing on medical care, dental services, mental health support, and more.
Visit the Goochland Cares website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Health Brigade
Health Brigade provides healthcare and wellness services to marginalized and underserved populations, addressing medical, dental, and mental health needs.
Visit the Health Brigade website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Latinos en Virginia Empowerment Center
The Latinos en Virginia Empowerment Center offers healthcare services, education, and advocacy to empower the Latino community and improve their overall health and well-being.
Visit the Latinos en Virginia website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Nationz Foundation
Nationz Foundation was organized to provide education on HIV prevention, inspire the community to take responsibility for their health and wellness, and work towards a more inclusive Central Virginia for LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Visit the Nationz Foundation website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Reinhart Guest House
The Reinhart Guest House provides lodging and support services for families of patients receiving medical treatment in Richmond, offering a compassionate and affordable place to stay.
Visit the Reinhart Guest House website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with children receiving care at local area hostpitals.
Visit the Ronald McDonald House website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
Virginia Anti-Violence Project
The Virginia Anti-Violence Project addresses and prevents violence within LGBTQ+ communities through advocacy, support, and education.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment.
Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative
The Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative works to improve the health and outcomes of newborns and their families by facilitating collaboration among healthcare providers.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment. -
World Pediatric Project
The World Pediatric Project provides surgical and medical care to children in Central America and the Caribbean, offering life-changing treatments to those in need.
Visit the World Pediatric Project website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, requst an advising appointment.
For more information about Healthcare & Public Health opportunities, contact:
Susannah Carter, ’25, susannah.carter@richmond.edu
Blake Stack, bstack@richmond.edu
Peer Advisors can also answer any questions about their volunteer experiences at the following organizations:
- Health Brigade
Mohamed Adam, mohamed.adam@richmond.edu - CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
Holly Wemple, holly.wemple@richmond.edu - The Doorways
Gopika Das, gopika.das@richmond.edu
Campus Connections
University of Richmond Best Buddies
Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our University of Richmond Chapter connects to young adults with IDD’s in the Richmond area to University of Richmond students to offer events, bonding opportunities, and advocacy. University of Richmond Students are encouraged to join as a Peer Buddy or an Associate Member and attend our monthly events which include everything from spider athletics to cookie decorating to pajama movie parties. It’s a great way to get involved in the community, make new friends or even get a leadership position in an internationally recognized non-profit.
Camp Kesem
Kesem is a nationwide community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer. Kesem’s flagship program, Camp Kesem, operates over 100 free summer camps across the country for children ages 6 to 18 who have been impacted by a parent’s cancer. Kesem programs have a lasting impact on children by providing them a peer-support network that understands their unique needs, builds confidence and strengthens their communication skills. Camp Kesem at University of Richmond was founded in 2009 and supports children in the Richmond community by providing a free week-long summer camp experience and year-round peer support. Camp Kesem at University of Richmond is operated by 45 student volunteers and serves 90 campers ages 6-18 per year.
Pre-Health Web
The Pre-Health Web’s mission is to provide equal and equitable opportunities and resources to all pre-health undergraduate students, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, and any other identity.
Relay for Life
UR Relay for Life is committed to raising awareness and money for the American Cancer Society. The club hosts fundraisers and a large event in the spring (the Relay) with cancer survivors, speakers, and participants.
University of Richmond Emergency Medical Services (UREMS) is a student-run organization of dedicated first responders who offer assistance in the event of a medical emergency on campus.
Relevant Courses
HS 202 Patients and Providers
Examines the roles of the various professionals involved in providing healthcare services, including diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitation services for inpatients and outpatients; the ways that patients from a diversity of racial/ethnic, sex/gender, age, rural/urban, and other backgrounds access and experience the healthcare system; and the ways that patients and practitioners understand health, healing, illness, disability, and death.
HS 240 Law and Medicine
Examines the intersection of law and medicine, primarily in medical malpractice litigation and also by looking at other areas of medical jurisprudence including state and federal health care regulation.
LAIS 307 Medical Spanish: Health and Medicine in the Community
This class collaborates with Spanish-speaking communities in Richmond through volunteering and community projects with local clinics, healthcare providers, and community centers. Students apply their knowledge in Health Studies using their second language skills to connect the Spanish-speaking community with health services, and become familiar with the central aspects of translating and interpreting in the healthcare field. We approach the relationship between doctor and patient by reflecting on the relationship between illnesses/diseases, culture, and social class.
LDST 290: Healthcare, the Environment, and Biomedicine
Students should expect to volunteer at local health-related organizations, including CrossOver Health, the Richmond City Health Department, VCU Health System, and the James River Association as part of their class.
PLSC 365 U.S. Healthcare Policy and Politics
Examination of political and economic evolution of the American healthcare system: doctors, hospitals, managed care, Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, public health, epidemiology, mental health, pediatric health, tort reform, and psychopharmacology, among other topics. Includes comparative analysis of other countries’ healthcare systems.
SOC 340 Sociology of Health and Illness
Advanced course serving as an introduction to the sociological study of health and illness. Draws upon a critical sociological perspective to understand how society shapes health and health disparities. Investigates social factors that harm our health and well being, particularly those that produce disparities along major social strata (e.g., race and ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation).