Guidelines for Co-Sponsoring Events
The CCE appreciates the opportunity to co-sponsor events (one-time or short-term programs) with campus partners, when these events align with our mission to connect student, faculty, staff, and community stakeholders in social change efforts that value the knowledge and potential in our communities.
Co-sponsorship can mean contributing funds, helping to promote the event among CCE stakeholders, or providing other resources (for example, space, materials, staffing). In general, we appreciate being approached with co-sponsorship requests for which there are authentic collaboration opportunities – as in, opportunities to participate in co-creating the event (versus providing funding for something that has already been fully planned). However, we will consider any co-sponsorship request that fits within our mission.
Co-sponsorship requests will be evaluated for:
- alignment with CCE mission and values
- capacity (whether CCE can provide needed budget and/or non-budget resources)
- need (addresses an identified need, advances learning for all involved)
- accessibility and full participation (public, broad access to events with vigorous promotion is appealing to the CCE, however, we recognize that some events are intended for specific audiences
Units requesting CCE co-sponsorship should complete the Co-Sponsorship Request Form.
Please submit co-sponsorship requests at least 5 weeks before the date of the event.
Note: If you are representing a student group or organization seeking funding, this form is not for you. Please fill out the Student Engagement Funding Application instead.