Sarah Adams
Assistant Director of Community-Engaged Learning, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement
Dr. Sarah Adams is the Assistant Director of Community-Engaged Learning at the University of Richmond’s Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (CCE). In this role Sarah administers the Community-Based Learning Course Support Grant program and co-leads faculty fellowship cohorts related to community-engaged learning. She is available to collaborate with any campus faculty who wish to develop and deepen community-based opportunities and resources in their courses and teaching. A native Bostonian, she earned her B.A. in American Studies and Religious Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in American Studies at the College of William & Mary. Prior to joining the CCE she worked as a culinary professional in Richmond and an oral historian for the Southern Foodways Alliance.
Journal Articles
Adams, S., Clayton, P.H, and Pelco, L. (2024). Using Democratically Engaged Assessment to Walk the Talk in Higher Education. Assessment Update, 36(3).