Headshot of Terry  Dolson

Terry Dolson

Senior Associate Director for Community-Engaged Learning, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement
  • Profile

    Terry Dolson joined the CCE in June 2008 as the manager of the community-based learning program. Dolson earned a B.A. in English literature from the College of William and Mary and an M.A. in English literature from Virginia Commonwealth University.

    As a participant for two summers with the National Writing Project, Dolson  became interested in composition theory, writing across the curriculum, and faculty development. Dolson has taught writing and composition theory courses at University of Richmond, along with Core courses and adjunct certification courses. She currently teaches an FYS 101 course titled "Storytelling and Identity" through which she partners with Bon Air Correctional Facility for community-based learning. Her training with the Teagle Assessment Scholar Program  (Wabash Center for the Studies of the Liberal Arts) helps her to create cycles of authentic assessment in all of her programs.

    She is currently active with the Professional and Organizational Developers Network and The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education and a board member for Richmond Hill. 

    Terry is also a storyteller and writer, but she is quite sure that nothing she creates will ever make her more proud than the 3 wonderful sons she has raised.

  • Selected Publications
    Journal Articles
    Dolson, Theresa. "Putting Students First: How Colleges Develop Students Purposefully," Larry A. Braskamp, Lois Calian Trautvetter, and Kelly Ward, Anker, 2006. Reviewed by Theresa Dolson. The National Teaching and Learning Forum 15 (2006). The National Teaching & Learning Forum. Web. 13 May 2011. 
    Treonis A., Hill M., Dolson T., McGinnis S., Miles E. 2008. "What do students have to say about ecology and evolution? Using podcasting to apply integrative biology themes across the Tree of Life." American Society for Microbiology’s MicrobeLibrary
    Book Chapters

    Dolson, Theresa. "'How Do We Know What They Need?': An Analysis of How ConnectRichmond Changed Service-Learning at University of Richmond." Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships: Concepts, Models, and Practices. Ed. M. A. Bowdon and R. C. Carpenter. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2011.